Searching for a naturopathic doctor in the Mukilteo area? As a Doctor of naturopathic medicine, I’m dedicated to helping men of all ages enjoy optimal health.

I offer a complete range of men’s health services for residents of Mukilteo, from bio-identical hormone therapy to safe, natural, and effective treatments for conditions such as erectile dysfunction, weight loss, hormonal imbalances, and more.

Conveniently located in Kirkland, our clinic is less than 30 minutes from Mukilteo, and other areas in Snohomish County.

For more information, feel free to contact us online or by phone. We’re open Monday to Friday and offer Saturday hours on the appointment, making it easy for you to drop by and learn more about the men’s health solutions we offer. 

Areas We Serve:

Vancouver | Snohomish | Renton | Everett | Bellingham | Abbotsford | Mukilteo | Bellevue | Seattle

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Mukilteo

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is an extremely common condition that affects men of all ages and backgrounds.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Mukilteo WA GAINSWave P-Shot

Traditionally, ED has typically been treated using drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). Today, a variety of non-pharmaceutical treatments are available to help you avoid ED and enjoy a complete, satisfying sex life without the use of drugs.

Our clinic offers a variety of safe, proven treatments to help you reduce the effects of ED and improve your sexual performance, ranging from sound treatments such as GAINSWave to the natural Priapus Shot.


GAINSWave is a breakthrough, non-pharmaceutical ED treatment that uses low-intensity sound waves to open blood vessels and improve blood flow, helping you improve sexual performance and overcome ED without the use of drugs like Viagra or Cialis.

No drugs or surgery are required to enjoy the benefits of GAINSWave, making this an excellent alternative to conventional ED medications and a viable option for men with medical conditions that make traditional ED drugs unsafe or ineffective.


The Priapus Shot, or P-Shot, is a natural male enhancement treatment that uses your own cells to improve your erections and sexual performance. 

Benefits of the P-Shot include harder erections, increased sexual longevity and an improvement in sexual pleasure and sensation. Our clinic offers the Priapus Shot treatment to eligible patients based on your specific situation and needs. 

Sexual Health

Over time, both men and women can experience a decline in sexual performance. I specialize in identifying the root cause of a range of sexual issues and can offer a range of safe and effective treatments to help you achieve a noticeable, measurable improvement in your sex life.

As a physician, my goal is to help you overcome male sexual health issues using a sustainable, long-term approach that addresses the underlying cause. 

Sexual issues can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, changes in hormones can affect your level of sexual interest and motivation. In other cases, factors like stress, cardiovascular health and fatigue can have a negative effect on your sexual performance. 

Our sexual health services include innovative, modern treatments such as GAINSWave and the P-Shot, both aimed at helping you enjoy a more complete, satisfying sex life. 

Endocrine Imbalance

Hormones are responsible for regulating everything from your weight and energy level to your sex drive and sleep quality. If your body has a hormone imbalance, addressing the issue can help you improve your health and quality of life. 

As a specialist in the human endocrine system, I can identify endocrine imbalances that may be affecting your energy level, sleep quality, body composition and sex drive. Together, we’ll restore proper function and solve any hormonal imbalances that may be affecting your quality of life. 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Mukilteo

Testosterone is a vital hormone for men, responsible for everything from providing a healthy sex drive to helping you build muscle, reduce body fat, enjoy optimal cardiovascular health and even avoid depression and anxiety.

Over time, the amount of testosterone produced naturally by your body can decline, leading to a condition known as andropause . Testosterone replacement therapy uses bioidentical pellets to bring you back into the optimal testosterone range and restore your health and vitality. 

Naturopathic Doctor in Mukilteo

As a qualified and experienced Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I’ve helped a diverse range of men and women from the Mukilteo area treat hormonal imbalances, improve their body composition and overcome sexual performance issues.

You can learn more about my qualifications, experience, areas of specialty and health services at the page linked above.

CoolSculpting in Mukilteo

CoolSculpting is a new technology that uses cold to dissolve fat cells, helping you eliminate fat from problematic, “stubborn” areas such as the waist, neck and lower back without harm to the surrounding tissue.

CoolSculpting Fat Reduction for Men Mukilteo WA.jpg

Unlike dieting and exercise, which only reduce the size of fat cells, Cool Sculpting can eliminate fat cells from targeted areas, allowing you to target problematic fat and sculpt your body with a new level of precision. 

Bio-Identical Hormone Pellets in Mukilteo

Hormones play a key role in helping you stay mentally and physically agile. As you age, there’s a significant chance that your body’s hormonal system will produce lower levels of essential sex, thyroid and other hormones – a decline that can have a noticeable effect on your quality of life.

If you’re deficient in an essential hormone, it can affect everything from your level of energy and alertness to your libido and sexual performance.

My decades of professional experience have shown me that bio-identical hormone replacement is the most effective way to restore male hormonal function. Hormonal pellet implants provide a safe, effective and convenient way for you to enjoy optimal hormonal health. 

Revitalizing Skin Care in Mukilteo

Stress, poor sleep, sun damage, and myriad other factors can take their toll on your skin over the years, producing wrinkles, discoloration and other visible signs of aging.

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The reality of skin care is that healthy, youthful skin comes from healthy skin cells. As an expert in functional medicine, I offer a complete range of revitalizing skin care products formulated for men interested in healing their skin and reversing the signs of aging.

Our clinic also offers a variety of rejuvenating skin treatments for men, including the well-known Vampire Facelift non-surgical treatment and a variety of IPL laser skincare options. 

IV Infusions in Mukilteo

IV infusions deliver essential, health-giving nutrients directly into your bloodstream, helping you absorb significant doses of powerful vitamins and minerals that can’t always be delivered in the form of an oral supplement. 

I offer a range of customized IV infusions for men aimed at improving immune function, helping you increase metabolic function, improve mental performance, overcome anxiety, and more. 

Weight Loss in Mukilteo

Losing weight – and more importantly, keeping the weight you lose off over the long term – can be a serious challenge.

Every year, millions of people attempt to lose weight. Often, they fail to achieve their goals not because they’re doing anything wrong, but because their metabolism and hormonal health aren’t optimally focused on helping them achieve and maintain their target body weight.

With changes to your diet, you’ll be able to achieve safe, effective weight loss that produces real, sustainable results.

Schedule Your 15-Minute Consultation

Together, we can craft a sustainable, long-term health plan to help you achieve your needs and goals. Contact our clinic now to schedule your 15-minute consultation and find out if I’m the right fit for you.

Other Services We Offer:

Men's Health
Women's Health
Functional Medicine
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Sexual Health
Endocrine Disorders
Revitalizing Skincare
IV Therapy
Vampire Hair Treatment
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
GAINSWave Therapy
Hormone Pellet Therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy