Men’s Health Vancouver

Are you looking for a reliable men’s health clinic in the Vancouver area? Just two hours from Vancouver in Kirkland, WA, I offer a full range of men’s health services as an experienced, qualified naturopathic doctor.

Men’s health is a broad topic that encompasses numerous issues, from sexual performance, erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, body composition, skincare, and more.

As a naturopathic doctor, I take a results-focused approach to treating a wide range of men’s health conditions. My approach is simple—to solve not just the symptom, but the root cause that’s responsible for the symptom in the first place.

Would you like to learn more about my services or make an appointment? Located just two hours from Vancouver, I’m available to address your health needs. To book an appointment, please contact our clinic online or via phone.

Areas We Serve:

Vancouver | Snohomish | Renton | Everett | Bellingham | Abbotsford | Mukilteo | Bellevue | Seattle

Sexual Health

Many men experience a decline in sexual performance as they age—a phenomenon that’s often known as andropause. Sexual issues, ranging from a reduced sex drive to erectile dysfunction, are also increasingly common in younger men including men under the age of 40.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Vancouver BC, Canada

If you’re experiencing a sexual health issue such as erectile dysfunction or a decline in your general level of interest in sex, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. These issues are extremely common, affecting millions of men every year.

As a naturopathic doctor, I specialize in solving men’s health conditions using sustainable and effective treatments. From hormones to stress, diet, and other potential factors, my approach involves looking at a range of factors to improve your sexual health and performance.

Our clinic offers a diverse range of men’s health treatments, ranging from erectile dysfunction treatments such as GAINSWave and the P-Shot to hormone replacement treatments, IV infusions, and more.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Vancouver

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a common condition that affects millions of men throughout the world.

ED can affect men of all ages, from the middle-aged and elderly to young men in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Often, ED is a recurring condition—a frustrating problem that can come and go based on your mood, stress, anxiety level, sleep habits, and other factors.

Rather than “solving” ED by prescribing medications such as Viagra and Cialis, I try to focus on treating the root cause of ED. Our clinic offers a range of safe, effective ED treatments, ranging from sound-based GAINSWave treatment to the Priapus Shot.


GAINSWave is a sound-based treatment for erectile dysfunction that can enhance blood flow and make it easier for you to maintain an erection, helping you overcome ED and enjoy better sexual performance.

A non-surgical procedure, GAINSWave can provide a measurable, sustainable improvement in your sexual performance without requiring the use of drugs such as Viagra or Cialis.

GAINSWave is suitable for men of all ages, as well as men who use medication to treat ED or have other health issues. We offer GAINSWave as one of several non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical treatments for ED in addition to natural male enhancement solutions such as the Priapus Shot.


The Priapus Shot, which is also referred to as the P-Shot, is a procedure that uses your own cells to improve sexual performance and help you overcome erectile dysfunction.

A natural male enhancement solution, the P-Shot is suitable for men of all ages affected by erectile dysfunction. In addition to treating ED, the P-Shot can also produce an increase in sexual longevity, enhance erection size, and improve blood circulation.

Endocrine Imbalance

From your level of energy to your sex drive, the hormones produced by your body regulate a huge range of functions that affect your quality of life.

When your body stops producing a certain hormone or doesn’t produce enough of a certain hormone, it can have an immediate impact, affecting everything from your mental focus and clarity to your body composition.

Many health issues are caused by endocrine imbalances, which are imbalances of hormones caused by issues with the endocrine system.

Using highly accurate testing, I can identify endocrine imbalances that could be affecting your health and provide a range of sustainable treatments to ensure your body constantly has the hormones it needs for optimal function.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement in Vancouver

Are you deficient in an important hormone? I offer a complete range of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy treatments, allowing you to achieve optimal hormone levels using pellet implants, topical creams, oral capsules, injections, and other hormone delivery methods.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy involves replacing your body’s own supply of key hormones with bio-identical equivalents, helping you treat hormone deficiencies, improving your health and quality of life.

From an increase in your level of energy to a boost to your sex drive, motivation, muscle mass, and body composition, effective hormone replacement therapy can have a range of benefits for your health and well-being as a man.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Vancouver

Testosterone is vital for keeping you fit, strong, and healthy, regulating everything from your sex drive to your ratio of muscle mass to stored body fat.

Many men experience a decline in testosterone production as they age, resulting in a decline in sexual interest, physical strength, and energy. Testosterone replacement therapy involves using bio-identical testosterone to bring your body back to its optimal level.

From an increase in your energy levels to a boost to your sexual performance, physical strength, and muscle mass; maintaining optimal testosterone levels through TRT can have major benefits for you as a man.

I offer a complete range of testosterone replacement therapy treatments for men of all ages and backgrounds, typically using bio-identical testosterone pellets.

Naturopathic Doctor in Vancouver

Are you looking for an experienced naturopathic doctor to provide the direct, honest, and results focused assistance you need for better health? Just two hours from Vancouver, I’m here to offer the naturopathic perspective you need for improved health, well-being and quality of life.

With a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, WA and years of professional experience in the field of naturopathic medicine, I can provide the expert advice, assistance, and treatments you need to solve not just your symptoms, but their root cause.

Interested in learning more about me? You can view more information about my full academic and professional background on my About Me page.

CoolSculpting in Vancouver

Losing body fat from stubborn areas, such as the love handles, lower back, and abdomen, can be a challenge. Even with caloric restriction and exercise, certain patches of fat can be difficult to lose—preventing you from having the body you’ve always wanted.

Coolsculpting Fat Reduction Vancouver BC, Canada


CoolSculpting is a new fat loss treatment that uses targeted cold to activate fat cells in specific areas of the body, helping you "spot reduce" fat from areas such as the lower back, love handles, abdomen, neck, chest, and other problematic parts of your body.

Revitalizing Skin Care in Vancouver

Wrinkles might seem like a normal part of aging, but they certainly don’t have to be. Using a range of non-surgical treatments, such as IPL skincare and the Vampire Facelift, we can help you maintain a youthful, fresh appearance without surgery, filler injections, or other treatments.

Skin Care in Vancouver BC, Canada

From reducing or preventing wrinkles to combating skin discoloration, hyperpigmentation, and other common signs of aging, I offer a complete range of revitalizing skincare treatments designed to help you look and feel, younger and more confident.

IV Infusions in Vancouver

My program of custom IV infusions lets you utilize the complete healing powers of important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, all without the inconvenience or nutritional inefficiencies of relying on oral supplements.

Formulated using a customized blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, my IV infusions deliver vital nutrients that can strengthen your immune system, provide relief from migraines, prevent anxiety, increase your metabolism, and more.

Weight Loss in Vancouver

Are you struggling with weight loss? If you’re doing everything you “should” in order to lose fat—such as dieting and exercise—but just can’t seem to lose the pounds you expected to, you could be caught in a cycle of weight gain caused not by your actions, but by your metabolism.

Most of my weight loss protocols take place alongside changes to your diet and lifestyle to facilitate weight loss. The weight loss results are effective, long-lasting, and easy to sustain, making weight loss a welcome change to a pattern of yo-yo dieting.

Schedule Your 15-Minute Consultation

Would you like to learn more about my naturopathic health services? Do you have a specific health issue you’d like to talk about? Located just two hours from Vancouver, I’m available to provide the advice, assistance, and solutions you need for better health and quality of life.

Available Monday to Friday, as well as on select weekend hours by appointment, we can meet at a time that’s convenient to you to discuss your needs. For more information or to schedule a 15-minute consultation, please contact our clinic now.

Services We Offer In Vancouver:

Vancouver Women's Health