spring coolsculpting

Gals & Guys, listen up.  Do you have those stubborn areas that you just can't fix with endless dieting and exercise?  Relax.  Now there's   


The effective, safe, lasting Fat-Freezing technology that quickly, painlessly reshapes you once and for all.  This process, cleared by the FDA, produces lasting results in 8 - 12 weeks.   NO:






Hello again to my amazing Patients and dear Friends, and a warm welcome to my many new Friends who have joined us since last season!  With Spring now upon us, there will soon be event after event for which you'll want to wear lightweight summery outfits that hide nothing about your figure:  Graduations, Mother's Day, Father's Day, those June weddings at which you'll want to look your very best.  And soon thereafter, there are beach outings and summer weekends when you'll want to wear very little.  Wouldn't you like this to be the year when you needn't hide beneath something oversized that only makes you look larger or shapeless?  And wouldn't you prefer to run splashing through the surf without a cover-up over your swimsuit in the searing heat?

So what are you waiting for?  A little more mad money in your account?  Or perhaps you're afraid of the knife, or needles.  A not so irrational fear that something could go wrong?  Or that you'll end up like one of those people you've read about or seen on the cover of tabloids who now have disfiguring scars, infections, or look nothing like their former selves?  Maybe you just don't have all that time it takes to recuperate or hide out until the bandages are off?

Well, worry no longer.  If you want to look remarkably better and fitter in just two months time, and to continue to improve for weeks afterward with very little effort, NOW is the time to try CoolSculpting!  You've no doubt seen or heard of the celebrities who have rushed to CoolSculpting in droves in recent years.  Well now it's available right here in my office and not at celebrity prices. 

And aside from being very affordable, it's completely non-invasive, there's no pain and just a minimum of occasional discomfort,  and almost no recuperation period.  In most cases you can return to work the same afternoon or next day . . . and No One will be any the wiser!  The results you've dreamed of are shortly within reach . . . simply, safely, assuredly.  Start this week and complete a stunning transformation just in time for the season's celebrations!

So join us at the next of our CoolSculpting events to find out what it's all about.  Have a snack and a drink, meet your doctor and others who have had the procedures, and just enjoy the gathering.

before after coolsculpting

You're Invited!  CoolSculpting Get-Together:  Wednesday, April 20

We are thrilled to host our next CoolSculpt event here at the office on Wednesday April 20th at 5:30! CoolSculpting, created by Harvard scientists, uses a controlled cooling applicator to target and permanently kill fat cells while leaving the surrounding tissues untouched. We repeat:  no downtime, no surgery. It's perfect for either de-bulking larger areas of fat or just targeting pockets of fat in specific areas to sculpt your perfect body.  CoolSculpting can be used on many areas including the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, love handles, back, decreasing breasts in men, and the chin area (finally, get rid of your double chin for good).

We will be serving food and drinks, doing free consultations, and there will be a raffle for a free CoolSculpting treatment (valued at $750)! We will also have VIP specials just for coming to our event, offering the best prices of the year! Bring a friend and you will each receive an additional $100 off any package you purchase. Please RSVP soon at #425-889-9101 as space is very limited.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Remember, reserve early!


"Don't just diet, Sculpt it!"