Women's Health Abbotsford

There are many stages in a woman’s life that may require guidance and support. Regular exercise and wholesome eating habits lay a strong foundation for a vibrant appearance and complementing these with naturopathic treatments can help you establish an all-around healthy lifestyle.

Women's Health Clinic Abbotsford WA

Women’s health may seem unpredictable, but having a reliable naturopathic professional at your side can give you clarity and equip you with the tools you need to enjoy life to it's fullest. Dr. Amanda Brimhall is devoted to helping patients by employing a series of advanced protocols and effective natural treatments to restore your body, so you can feel good again.

From mysterious weight gain and hormonal imbalances to chronic skin conditions, Dr. Amanda Brimhall specializes in treating an array of conditions to help women at all stages of their lives.

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Functional Medicine

Born from naturopathic practices, functional medicine revolves around the idea that both doctors and patients need to work side-by-side to achieve the best therapeutic results. As a passionate functional physician, Dr. Brimhall strives to create a restorative partnership with all her patients by taking into account genetics, environmental, and lifestyle factors that may influence their well-being.

Besides employing state-of-the-art technology to diagnose conditions and develop natural treatment alternatives, functional medicine aims to restore imbalances and establish healthy practices in different areas of your life. Putting physical and emotional support systems in place can help patients implement significant changes that make them look and feel great.

Functional medicine offers the perfect combination of innovative technology and natural remedies, learn how this holistic approach can help improve your overall physical condition now.

Sexual Health

Difficulties that result in poor sexual health can stem from a wide range of issues, and getting to the root of these problems is the key to enjoying satisfying sex life. Identifying the cause of these issues requires a comprehensive assessment that pinpoints the underlying cause, in order to deliver long-lasting results.

Women's Abbotsford Health Seattle WA

Stress, poor eating habits, and neurological imbalances are just some of the elements that may affect a woman’s sexual health, so it’s important to keep each person’s unique requirements in mind. Once the root causes have been detected, Dr. Brimhall can design a tailored treatment plan that revitalizes your sexual health.

Some of our innovative treatments include the O-Shot and other forms of PRP therapy, which can provide age-defying benefits like increased sensitivity, better lubrication, and stronger orgasms.

Endocrine Imbalance

Endocrine imbalances can result in a number of severe symptoms that go well beyond weight loss and anxiety. At the same time, conventional medicine often overlooks underlying endocrine issues, which is one of the reasons why many patients are misdiagnosed or prescribed inadequate treatment.

Properly diagnosing and treating issues in the endocrine system requires a deep understanding of its different glands and how they work together. Ovaries, testes, thyroid, pancreas, and the adrenal glands are just some of the organs that make up this intricate apparatus, and each one has a specific set of tasks that contribute to a balanced body.

Issues within the endocrine system that are not properly addressed may result in long-term health complications. Dr. Brimhall has spent years studying the endocrine system, giving her enough expertise to evaluate your symptoms, pinpoint the source of the problem, and develop a personalized action plan to restore your body’s natural functions.

Hormone Therapy in Abbotsford

Hormones are in charge of regulating basic body functions that directly influence our physical appearance and mental health. Regrettably, hormonal imbalances pose a huge challenge for a lot of women because the result in symptoms like frail skin, decreased libido, and extreme mood swings.

As women get older, their hormone levels decline at different rates, which creates a singular problem that requires a customized treatment. Personalized bio-identical hormone therapy offers a viable solution that allows women to replace the vital compounds their bodies need.

Effective hormone therapy can lead to an improved libido, denser bones, and mild menopausal symptoms. However, to be effective, bio-identical hormone therapy also needs to be personalized to your specific needs.

Dr. Brimhall has mastered a series of specialized techniques that consistently restore hormonal imbalances while delivering practical alternatives in the form of topical creams, oral capsules, pellet implants, and much more.

CoolSculpting® in Abbotsford

Diet and exercise can help improve your physical appearance, but there are areas of the body that seem to resist conventional weight-loss tactics. Even the most devoted fitness enthusiasts can struggle to eliminate fat and attain a youthful appearance through mainstream weight-loss techniques.

Coolsculpting Fat Reduction for Women Abbotsford WA

While traditional methods don’t actually destroy fatty tissue, CoolSculpting® offers a natural alternative to break down fat cells without any surgery or downtime. This technique can target difficult areas such as the chin, flank, upper arms, or abdomen, and uses a controlled-cooling process to crystallize and eliminate fat cells.

By combining a vigorous exercise regime, a healthy diet, and personalized Cool Sculpting sessions, you can experience dramatic results and obtain the body definition you’ve always dreamed of.

Revitalizing Skin Care in Abbotsford

Our skin inevitably deteriorates over time, so the best way to maintain a youthful appearance is by developing healthy habits early on. By implementing the right solutions, you can give your skin the nutrients it needs to unleash its own healing power and naturally restore its radiant aspect.

Women's Skincare Treatments in Abbotsford WA

Osmosis M.D. Skin Care provides a full line of comprehensive products designed to promote healthy skin from within. This line of flexible skin care solutions implements superfood nutrition in order to promote the production of collagen and improved dermal health.

Not only this, but Osmosis M.D. treatments target the area of the dermis where aging actually occurs, sometimes beginning the healing process before signs of aging become visible.

IV Infusions in Abbotsford

Taking oral supplements is a popular way to ingest additional nutrients your body needs to operate at its maximum potential. However, thanks to Dr. Brimhall’s customized intravenous (IV) infusions, you can now receive a precise dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into your bloodstream.

In addition to providing an effective delivery method, IV infusions offer a viable solution for patients that suffer from irritable bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and colitis. Because the IV infusions don’t rely on oral ingestion, you can boost your immune system without inducing any painful symptoms later on.

Weight Loss in Abbotsford

Losing weight is an extremely tricky goal because it doesn’t always depend on exercise and dieting. If you work out and have a healthy eating regime, but still experience weight gain, the real issue may actually be the way your body transforms food into energy—a process known as metabolism.

Keep in mind that each person’s metabolism is unique, so developing an effective weight loss program requires a carefully customized protocol. Fortunately, there are natural solutions available that help regulate your metabolism in order to achieve your weight goals.

Dr. Brimhall provides a multitude of effective weight loss programs that can be personalized for your specific requirements and objectives.

Book an Appointment with Dr. Amanda Brimhall Today

Living a plain, vigorous life revolves around developing healthy habits that promote internal and external wellness. Dr. Amanda Brimhall specializes in improving women’s health through a series of innovative natural treatments, giving you full control of your mental and physical well-being. You can get in touch with Waterfront Wellness today by booking an appointment online or by giving us a call.

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